What is Eax Movie Catalog ?Its very fast and easy to use anymore to catalog your movies and to get information about movies youre looking for.You can easily reach any information; director, writer, genre, cast, plot outline, awards, original music, cinematography, user rating etc. about movies you add to the program from the web sites such as IMDB by just pushing a button. If youd like to print the screen display, you can design any report as you wish through the agency of the editor of report templates. By giving numbers, you can catalog your DVDs and CDs. With devisable HTML interface you can get a view at any style youd like to. In addition, you will be able to reach your movies quickly with the modules of fast search and advanced search found within the main menu of Eax Movie Catalog.Done? Of course, not. You can transfer the movies on your list in to the other formats like Excel, Html, Csv and more easily. After taking screenshots of the movies you add from the program with the aid of Windows Media Player, you can save them to the database of the program. Through the agency of the dynamic script form, you can optimize the html parse process by the editor of user interface script as youd like to.Eax Movie Catalog Program has been improved on 5 fundamental features in the pipe line:A dynamic script form for the HTML parseA dynamic HTML form for the movie card on the main menuA report module that users can design however theyd like toEasily transferring information to other formats like Excel and htmlThe appearance of the program and the toolbars that can be customized by usersAs well as these basic features, many other complementary functions and moduls have been presented to use by adding to the program. In the pipe line of the program, many softwares for movie catalogs were investigated and the most useful, the most convenient and the best features were managed to conform to the program.You can easily reach any movie information: director, writer, genre, cast, plot outline, awards, cinematography, user rating.
22 Temmuz 2009 Çarşamba
Eax Movie Catalog 2.4.5
What is Eax Movie Catalog ?Its very fast and easy to use anymore to catalog your movies and to get information about movies youre looking for.You can easily reach any information; director, writer, genre, cast, plot outline, awards, original music, cinematography, user rating etc. about movies you add to the program from the web sites such as IMDB by just pushing a button. If youd like to print the screen display, you can design any report as you wish through the agency of the editor of report templates. By giving numbers, you can catalog your DVDs and CDs. With devisable HTML interface you can get a view at any style youd like to. In addition, you will be able to reach your movies quickly with the modules of fast search and advanced search found within the main menu of Eax Movie Catalog.Done? Of course, not. You can transfer the movies on your list in to the other formats like Excel, Html, Csv and more easily. After taking screenshots of the movies you add from the program with the aid of Windows Media Player, you can save them to the database of the program. Through the agency of the dynamic script form, you can optimize the html parse process by the editor of user interface script as youd like to.Eax Movie Catalog Program has been improved on 5 fundamental features in the pipe line:A dynamic script form for the HTML parseA dynamic HTML form for the movie card on the main menuA report module that users can design however theyd like toEasily transferring information to other formats like Excel and htmlThe appearance of the program and the toolbars that can be customized by usersAs well as these basic features, many other complementary functions and moduls have been presented to use by adding to the program. In the pipe line of the program, many softwares for movie catalogs were investigated and the most useful, the most convenient and the best features were managed to conform to the program.You can easily reach any movie information: director, writer, genre, cast, plot outline, awards, cinematography, user rating.